Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Urine trouble now

Heh, get it? Urine trouble now?

Okay, never mind.

We took Britt back to the doctor yesterday for a follow-up on her UTI, and it was no fun at all.

She tripped over an uneven sidewalk seam outside the building and skinned her knee and elbow, so she was already upset before she even figured out where we were going. And it went downhill from there.

Mikey always goes with us us to the doctor's office because Britt gets totally freaked out and it's hard to handle her when she's thrashing and flailing and screaming. This time, though, he got held up at work so I had to get through the first half of the visit by myself -- including the first attempt at getting another urine sample.

We got to the bathroom just as a woman was exiting and she had very obviously just taken a dump, so you can imagine how fun it was to sit on the floor with my arm in the toilet holding a cup for Britt to pee in. We gave up when somebody else came banging on the door about 15 minutes later.

After Mikey finally got there, we tried again and eventually got the sample, which was a huge relief because the alternative was catheterizing her and I did not want to put her through that. And the sample tested clear, so the infection is gone.

More good news: No more diapers! Britt is totally toilet-trained as far as peeing goes (we're still working on the pooping part). She hasn't had any accidents in several days, even when we've been away from home. She wears panties during the day and a pull-up at night because, even though she usually wakes up dry, I don't want to risk a big stinky wet spot in the middle of my bed. When her habits are more firmly established we'll get rid of the pull-ups, too.

Also, she doesn't pee every 20 minutes any more, now that her UTI is gone.

In hindsight, I should have figured something was wrong with the peeing every 20 minutes but, gah, you know, it's been 25 years since I've been intimately acquainted with the peeing habits of small children and I don't remember anything about it. Except that their bladders are very small.

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