Thursday, July 26, 2007

July 26, 1997

I wasn't interested having in a wedding; I would've been fine getting married at the courthouse, but Mikey insisted that we marry in the church and now I'm glad we did.

But still, putting together a wedding is a pain in the ass, no matter how scaled-down you go. Ours was miniscule, and I still managed to half-ass it.

I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone, so Bridgie and I headed off to Glamour Shots that afternoon to get our hair and makeup done, and to get some nice portraits to commemorate the event:

Wedding Portrait

When he saw the pictures later, Mikey was a little upset that I took the maid of honor with me instead of the groom.

We had no photographer on hand, so our actual wedding photos are just snapshots. And somebody (you know who you are) snuck me off and got me stoned for the first time in years just before it was time to go to the church. I looked like it, too, and I was terrified that Mikey would figure it out and be furious with me (I did finally tell him a few years later, when we could laugh about it).

Anyway, the point is that our wedding photos look like crap. These were the best of the lot:

Our Wedding Day

The wedding cake I ordered was too small, so my mother-in-law had to run to a grocery store bakery after the wedding to make sure there was enough cake to feed everybody.

Our Wedding Day

The reception was hosted by my in-laws, and no one told them that some of my friends from work would be there. They get kind of hinky about things like that, so that was another uh-oh for the evening.

It was a relief, after all the screw-ups, missteps and tension, when it was finally, blessedly, over.

Marrying Mikey is pretty much the only thing I did right that day.

Ten years ago today.

1 comment:

bookworm said...

No one noticed a thing! Happy Anniversary you guys. We love you.