Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Gah. Just, gah.

Insomnia's been kicking my ass this week, so I was catching a few winks on the couch when Bridgie came over for lunch.

When I got up to answer the door, my foot landed in something brown and mushy on the carpet.

Oh. My. God.

So I half-hopped to the door, let Bridgie in and told her what just happened. Then I went and grabbed some toilet paper to clean up the mess.

Once I was down on my knees fixin' to pick it up, it occurred me that I wasn't smelling anything foul, so I bent down and looked closer.

And started laughing.

It was one of these. From Mikey's snack stash. That Britt had apparently raided while I was snoozing.

Bridgie said, "I bet you were never so happy to see cake smashed into the carpet."

She got that right.

Boy, I tell you what -- this potty-training business has got me all drove up. I need to catch a break, and soon.

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