Monday, July 02, 2007

I promise to give it a rest after this

because I'm sure you're just thrilled to bits to read every little detail of Britt's potty training.

Like I was thrilled to bits at 5:45 this morning when she woke us up demanding a dry Poo-Wup (that's what she calls Pull-Ups). And then again at 7:30 when she woke us up because she needed to go pee.

But, just in case you're wondering, there was still no pooping in the potty over the weekend; except for that, she's doing very well.

Just a little while ago, she peed on the toilet and when she was done I went back to eating my lunch. About two minutes later she needed to go again, so I sat her up there and tapped my foot while she did her thing. And then I went back to my lunch. And then she needed to go again!


This time I left her sitting there while I finished my lunch, and when I went back to check on her she said, "I did it!"

"Did what, Sweetie? Oh... Oh, you pooped! Oh, good girl!"

We have poop, people! In the potty! Voluntary poop in the potty!

I'll say no more, lest I jinx it.

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