Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Britt's House o' Beauty is now open

We went shopping today and Britt came home with an all-plastic, non-messy faux makeup kit, complete with a little battery-operated blow dryer.

She likes to sit on the counter and watch when I do my face, although the eyelash curler makes her anxious (Are you all right? Is it okay?), and sometimes we paint our nails together, so she knew what to do with most of it.

The blow dryer and the perfume atomizer, however, completely stumped her. I haven't used either one since before she was born, so she had no idea what they were for. Once I showed her, though, she was totally on board.

So I got my face and hair done several times today, although that pointy plastic eye shadow applicator so close to my eyeballs made me a little anxious. Mikey got a makeover this evening, too, and even got his nails done.


The other day, I gave Britt an empty cardboard box to play with, and she played with it so thoroughly that it split down one corner. The next morning she inspected the damage and said, mournfully, "My spaceship. It's broken."

Today, she dumped the contents of one of her toy boxes and made herself a "nest" in it:


She's an awful cute little chick, ain't she?

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