Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Well, I never

All the Pull-Ups and panties are hidden where Britt can't get to them. She's running around with a bare butt all day. She has no choice but to either poop on the potty or on the floor and, believe me, I've been watching where I step.

Yesterday, I put dinner on to cook and then began clearing the debris field that results from Britt's day of play. It's not unusual to find used Wet Wipes lying around because she'll get herself one to wipe her hands when they get sticky. So I thought nothing of it when I picked up a used wipe off the floor.

Guess what rolled out of it?



bookworm said...

Chris suggested positive reinforcement. Of course, his idea was to take away one of her favorite toys and only let her have it after she used the potty. I told him he'd never had to listen to a child scream and cry for five hours because you wouldn't give her what she wants....But maybe bribing her would work?

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine kept a bowl of marshmallows that their son could eat when he went in the potty. Kyra was the opposite. She didn't want to pee in the potty.


Sandra D said...

I've thought about bribing her, but she already gets whatever she wants (thanks, Mikey), so I can't imagine what kind of treat would work.