Sunday, August 05, 2007

School Daze

I found a preschool for Britt; it's at a Methodist church less than three miles from our house and it's three days a week from 9 to 2.

It costs $160 a month plus $2.50 a day for lunch and I was kind of worried about that, since it's a substantial chunk of change and I'm not bringing home a paycheck anymore. We don't get child support or any kind of financial assistance for Britt, so whatever we do for her we do on our own dime. But Mikey didn't even blink at that; he wanted to know what the facilities were like, the teachers' qualifications, security, and all that kind of stuff.

I took Britt over there on Friday for a tour, and she loved it. The woman who showed us around opened doors so we could peek into different classrooms and Britt ran right in, delighted to see all the kids. Same thing on the playground; there was a four-year-old class at recess and Britt ran right out and started playing with them. She was very unhappy when we had to leave.

So, it looks great and it sounds great, Britt loves it and I think it would be good for her. I brought home the enrollment form and ordered a copy of her immunization record so I can get everything turned in next week, because the new school year starts on August 21.


The class for her age group is full. There's a waiting list.


There are enough kids on the waiting list that they decided to create an additional class for her age group.


They haven't been able to get a teacher hired yet.


Also, we're enrolling Britt in ballet school. The one we picked is $45 a month, which is not bad at all.


I guess they're closed for the summer, because I get an answering machine when I call and nobody has ever called me back.

Maybe I should try e-mailing them? I think I will.

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