Tuesday, August 21, 2007

First Day

This morning we headed out, armed with a nap pad and princess blanky, two boxes of Kleenex and a bottle of Germ-X. Britt took charge of her Elmo bag, packed with Pull-Ups and wipes and an extra change of clothes:

First Day of School

In just a few minutes, we were at the school:

First Day of School

Just inside the doors we waited while Mikey wrote a big check, and then we took Britt to her classroom, where she quickly settled in:

First Day of School

She got a little bit weepy when we left, but she wasn't squalling like some of the other kids.

And she did fine. When I picked her up after school, her teacher reported that she participated well in group activities, sang songs, and colored a picture of her hand for a project about family and community that they're working on. But she did not nap, which was no surprise.

She did much better than Mikey did. He was all heavy sighs and shuddering groans after we dropped her off, but I think he'll probably be all right. Eventually.

Anyway, Big Sugar is officially a pre-schooler now.

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