Wednesday, May 30, 2007

We have Boomerang!

Hot dawg!

I'm so delighted that I'm hopping around and grinning like an idiot.

See how little it takes to make me happy? I guess maybe that says something about how small my world is, but whatever.

We have Boomerang!

(***doing happy dance***)

Screw delighted. I'm thrilled! Thrilled, I tell you!

All right, before you TV haters get your shorts in a wad, let me tell you that filling a child's days with fun yet creative activities is a lovely idea in theory. In truth, there's a lot of hours in the day to fill -- day after day after day after day -- plus chores to do and meals to cook, so unless you've been a stay-at-home parent who has managed to fill a child's days with fun yet creative activities all day every day, just shut the hell up.

Anyway, Britt doesn't sit in front of the TV all day. She plays, or we play, and occasionally she sits down to watch a favorite show, or I'll pop in a video if I need her to settle down for a nap or so I can get something done.

We have Boomerang! Finally!

The reason this makes me so happy is that Britt is an Old School kid. Her favorite TV shows are Tom & Jerry and Mickey Mouse cartoons, and she loves Scooby-Doo. But she's never seen a Porky Pig cartoon or the Flintstones or Huckleberry Hound or Josie & the Pussycats, because no other channels we get show them, and I'm pretty sure they're going to be right up her alley.

Anyway, I'd better run because I can't sit in front of the computer while she's awake and it sounds like she's wreaking havoc out there.

Plus, Yogi Bear's on! Woo-hoo!


bookworm said...

I couldn't sleep the other night and was channel surfing and I found "Banana Splits" on Boomerang! That was one of my favorites as a kid (Chris doesn't remember it, he remembers Mr. Magoo). I'm still looking for "The Bugaloos" and "Sigmund and the Sea Monsters". I just found where I can get the DVD - I might just have to do that!

Sandra D said...

I just re-discovered the Pink Panther, myself.

How did your trip go? Are you ever gonna blog again?

bookworm said...

Trip was good - we got the truck stuck in the ocean, which was pretty exciting. The rest of it was pretty relaxing. We slept, ate, swam, ate, slept, ate......My favorite type of vacation.

While we were gone we decided that we'd go ahead and see if we could qualify for a home loan instead of renting again. Our original plan was to wait another year and save up some money for a down payment but it doesn't hurt to ask, right? Amazingly enough we qualified for a 100% loan - no down payment! It's not a lot of money, but enough to get us our own place. So we've been looking at houses for the last week. Right now it looks like we may be moving to MWC - wanted to stay in Yukon close to Dad, but the houses in our price range are pretty much falling down, so.....

I did make a couple of small posts this morning, and once (IF!) things calm down a little I'll post again.