Thursday, May 17, 2007

Back to Britt

I've been obsessing over music lately, which is odd since I really don't have a big jones for music. It's probably just a way of distracting myself from the fact that Britt and I are housebound again -- all day every day. Day after day after day after day...

Anyway, I'll shut up about music for a little bit and get back to the real reason y'all come here.


We haven't been up to much, obviously, besides a lot of reading.


There was an attempt at playing in the sprinkler,


but the water was too cold.

Other than that, we just color and play with toys and dance to music videos and watch TV. It finally quit raining nearly every damn day and the mud's dried up, so now we can go out and play in the backyard with Pepper. Which is at least different from playing in the house but, really, big woop, ya know?

Sounds boring, huh? Yeah, well, boring suddenly doesn't seem so bad after the excitement we had yesterday:

We were sitting on the couch reading a book when Britt climbed down to grab a toy or harass the cat or something, I don't even remember what. When she tried to climb back up on the couch, she slipped and crashed into the corner of the book propped on my lap. Then she collapsed on the floor screaming, with her hands clamped over her eye.

And my heart stopped.

You know how moms will say, "Don't do that, you might put your (or somebody else's) eye out"? Well, when my mom said it, it wasn't theoretical. It really did happen in our family; my brother was blinded in one eye in a childhood accident. So that's what flashed through my head while I tried to comfort her and assess the damage.

The corner of the book had caught her just beneath her lower lashes. If it had been a quarter inch higher, it would have poked her directly in the eyeball, which could have meant scratches, a damaged cornea, or worse.


Anyway, the area was a little puffy last night, but it's not even black and blue today like I thought it would be.

It really freaked me out that something like this could happen. I mean, how dangerous can it be to read a book? And it's not like I wasn't watching her; I was right there! I was shaking all the rest of the day, knowing how close we had come to real disaster.

So, yeah, some kinds of excitement I can do without.

In other news, Sherri was in deep shit recently when the city sewer system backed up and flooded her house. You can see pictures of the damage on her Flickr page. She and Chris are staying at Cathy's (which is kind of like putting three wild cats in a bag, heh) until they find a new place to live.

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