Saturday, April 21, 2007

Making Pictures

Britt loves to fingerpaint:

Art Class

She only gets to do it at her art class, though, because we haven't yet brought any painting supplies into our home. It's been bad enough with the Play-Dough, and now with the Floam, which Mikey brought home last week, and which is currently hidden away with the Play-Dough.

I haven't been taking a whole lot of pictures lately, partly because I wasn't able to post any here and partly because the one-second delay between pushing the button and the shutter clicking means that, for each good shot I manage to get, I wind up with half a dozen that look like this:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Or this:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

That's what the delete button's for, I guess. I have much better luck with subjects that aren't moving:


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