Friday, April 27, 2007

I am an idiot

When we bought this house six years ago, it came equipped with metal-colored plastic faucet handles in the bathtub. Those handles have broken and been replaced twice already, and now they're broken again, so we're back to using the RoboGrips to turn on the cold water.

So yesterday I was going to give Britt a bath but couldn't turn on the cold water. I tried and tried, but the little knobby-thing is just so stripped I couldn't get it to turn. I was so pissed I even called Mikey at work to bitch about it.

When he came home last night, he ran a bath for Britt and said that he didn't have any trouble turning on the water. I thought, Well, it must have been shut off pretty tight and he has a stronger grip than me, so whatever. I didn't give it another thought.

Until today, when Britt wanted to take another bath, and I couldn't turn on the cold water. I worked and worked at it, spitting and cussing the whole time, but it was no use.

Until it finally occurred to me to try turning it the other way.

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