Monday, April 30, 2007

Carless, again

Bridgie had a wreck Saturday. She's fine; her car is not.

Some guy (probably illegal, definitely uninsured) tried to cross traffic in front of her and she hit him broadside. He didn't want to call the police and split before they arrived, leaving behind his car and his passenger -- an older guy who spoke no English.

Bridgie has only liability coverage, so there's no telling when she'll be able to get her car drivable again. So she's borrowed mine, and there's no telling when I'll get it back this time.


Our last trip in my car (for a while) was to Britt's art class:

Art Class

She was cranky that morning, but she perked up a little once she heard we were going to make some animal puppets:

Art Class

On our gallery walk we looked for paintings with animals in them, then we went back to class to make our puppets:

Art Class

Britt cut up a paper towel with safety scissors while I made a bird dog puppet.

Heh, get it? Feathers and fur? Bird dog?

Okay. Never mind.

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