Thursday, April 26, 2007

I want you to see

what Little Miss B has done now.

I was on the couch watching TV and she was standing near me with a ball in her hand and, from the corner of my eye, it looked like she was sort of bouncing it against her chin. She wasn't.

She was biting it. Like an apple:

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I freaked!

Luckily, all the pieces are accounted for, but while I was picking them up I noticed how hard the material is. So I tried biting the ball myself, just to see how bite-able it was, but my teeth only slid right across the surface.

Britt has this one really weird little habit: when I'm working in the kitchen, she'll grab my pants with her teeth so that I sort of drag her around with me. Sometimes she accidentally bites more than just my pants, and now I feel lucky that she hasn't taken any chunks out of me like that.

Not yet, anyway.

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