Monday, January 08, 2007

Out and About

Me and Britt finally hit the road in my trusty zipmobile today. The good news is that I remembered how to drive a stick shift. The bad news was... well, there wasn't really any bad news, except that I had to circle the block and come back home to grab our overdue library stuff. But that was minor.

Wait, there is some bad news to report: my printer no longer works since we tried to install that software for Mikey to use to upload pictures from his camera phone. It says the cable's unhooked or something, but it isn't and I can't figure out what the problem is.

So, anyway, the first thing we did today was to go visit Mikey at the store so we could use his computer to print enrollment forms for art classes and gymnastics. And then Britt browsed the toy section, which is depleted from Christmas but she did manage to find a new spinny light-up thingy to whack herself (and me) in the head with.

And then we went grocery shopping, which I normally hate but I enjoyed it this time since it was the first time I'd been able to shop without Mikey in six months. Don't ask me why it's better to shop without Mikey; it just is.

And then I got hit up for a dollar by a scraggly woman in the grocery store parking lot who said she needed to buy a bus ticket to get to South Penn to get stitches taken out of her face. And I'm a big giant marshmallow, so I gave her the friggin' dollar.

And then we came home. Britt was so good the whole time we were out; she can be terribly two sometimes, but today she was an angel.

I just remembered one more bit of bad news: Britt's scheduled for her first Gymboree class on Wednesday and I thought I'd get to sit in a chair and watch, but that's apparently not how it works. The instructions I was given said to "come prepared to take off your shoes and play awhile in your socks." Dammit! Dammit! Dammit! I'm 44 years old and I have a bum knee and I don't want to go galumphing around in my socks in front of strangers!

But I'll do it for her. I guess.


There better be other grannies there. At least one. I don't want to be the only person there old enough to be all the other mommies' mommy. That would well and truly suck, wouldn't it?


bookworm said...

I absolutely refuse to go grocery shopping with Chris anymore. I think it hurts his feelings, but I just can't stand it. I'm a run in and grab the 3 things I need shopper. He's a stop and compare prices and sizes and look for the best deal. Which is actually a good thing, except when I'm standing there going just grab some *@!&ing cheese already!

I'm glad you guys had fun on your first day out! And I bet you're the coolest grandma there!

Anonymous said...

I'd go with you and be the other granny if I lived closer. Thank God I don't live closer. LOL!