Wednesday, January 03, 2007

O happy day

Mikey came home last night and told me he was planning to have Bridgie's car hauled to a repair shop today.

Uh-huh, I've heard that one before.

So imagine my surprise when he spent an hour cleaning out her car before he went to work this morning. I dunno what-all she left in there, but it's been festering for about six months, and it made Mikey puke. He was not amused.

Then he went on to work and guess what happened next?

A wrecker came and took Bridgie's car away!

Hot dog!

It looks like Britt and me are finally fixin' to be sprung from our cozy little prison here, so I've been studying our options, trying to decide what we're going to do with ourselves once we're mobile again.

The Oklahoma City Museum of Art has classes once a month for Britt's age group that only cost $8. And the zoo has a Toddler Two program that's also once a month and costs $10. Storytime at the library is once a week and it's free.

And then there's Gymboree and toddler gymnastics, and I'm looking at dance schools that will take two-year-olds, but these all cost a lot more and are a bigger commitment, so I dunno yet which ones we'll be doing.

Also, Britt peeped in the potty this morning for the second time ever!

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