Monday, January 15, 2007


Stuck at home but this time it's only for a few days -- I hope. The streets are pretty slickery and my trusty little zipmobile would turn into a skatemobile on the ice, so me and Britt are waiting for things to clear up before we venture out again.

Bridgie had cabin fever and came over to visit this afternoon; after she'd been here a couple of hours, she glanced out the window and saw that her car had slid down the ice on the driveway and into the street.

Not much else going on lately, except that potty-training has once again come to a complete standstill. When I try to put a pull-up on Britt, she grabs it and puts it back in the package, hollering, "No, no, NO!" Then she grabs a diaper, slams it down in front of me and firmly insists, "Dopper!"

She does like to hang out in the bathroom, though; twice this week I've caught her unrolling the toilet paper and piling it into the toilet, which finally overflowed last night when Mikey flushed yet another of her paper piles. And after I go potty, she waves at the water swirling down the toilet and says, "Bye-bye, pee-pee! Bye-bye!"

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