Thursday, February 01, 2007

Potty Pooper

No, no, Britt hasn't pooped in the potty yet, but she has peed in it for the third time ever.

She's been doing this thing lately where she crosses her chubby little arms across her chest, tosses her head, and goes "Hmph!" to emphasize her indignation whenever I try to get her to do something she doesn't want to do. Like pottying in the potty:

No, Grummy! No! No potty! (cross arms, toss head) Hmph!

Anyway, she now has a potty seat that fits on top of the regular toilet seat, in addition to her potty chair. She was perched on that potty seat and I was sitting on the edge of the tub, reading books to her, when I noticed that the top of the toilet tank behind her right shoulder sat a whole lot higher than it did behind her left shoulder. Like, a couple of inches higher.

I made Mikey come and sit on the edge of the tub to see if he saw what I saw, and he did. There was some head-scratching and a few I'll be damneds tossed about, and we finally decided that the big bolt we found on the floor behind the toilet a few weeks ago -- a mystery we never got around to solving -- must have been part of what held the tank onto the toilet. And so it is tilting, badly.

Thus it appears that we have an imminent toilet disaster on our hands. And the toilet in the master bath hasn't worked for several years now, so if this disaster should happen to unfold before we get around to doing something to prevent it, we will literally be left without a pot to piss in.

Meanwhile, Britt's vocabulary continues to grow by leaps and bounds, and her pronunciation is improving, if not always spot-on. Spongebob Squarepants is now Ungebob Pants instead of BobBob, for example. And tonight she was running around looking for "asswipe"; it took us several minutes (of choking back hoots of laughter) to figure out what she really wanted: her flashlight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the laugh!