Tuesday, February 13, 2007

It's freezing!

No, not the weather, although it is kind of nipply out there.

It's my big, beautiful freezer! You know, the freezer I got for Christmas in 2004? Or was it 2003? The freezer that's never been used because it's been sitting in the middle of the garage, marooned in a sea of household castoffs and blocked in by Mikey's weight bench?

Yeah, that one.

Finally, it has been dug out of the debris and pushed over to the wall. It has been plugged in! It works! Even though the warranty has surely expired by now.

Bob did it when he came to visit this weekend. Yay, Bob!

There's nothing in it yet, so it's just freezing air at this point.

But it's plugged in! It's working! It's one less thing on my list of things to bitch about!

Yay, Bob!


Anonymous said...

We are so glad that you are finally able to use your freezer. How is Britt doing on the potty-training?

Blogarita said...

Woo Hoo! I'd be happy about the freezer, too!