Monday, February 12, 2007

I'm pooped

Britt is not only peeing in the potty now; she's also pooping in it! Yay!

But... there's a problem.

Gah! Isn't there always?

Here's what happened:

Bob and Mary came down to visit this weekend, and Mary put Britt on the potty. And Britt sat on the potty without crying or flailing or screaming, like she'd been doing whenever I tried to put her on the potty. And she peed in it and she pooped in it, and we were all so happy. And she decided it was a fun thing to do, so she happily went to the potty whenever it was suggested to her. She even came up with the idea herself a few times. So, it was all cool.

And then Bob and Mary went home, and we continued with the potty-sitting program, and Britt continues to pee and poop in the potty. Except now, she doesn't want to get off the potty. She wants to sit there. All. Day. Long. She cries and flails and screams when I try to get her off the potty so that we can go do other things.

And it's not the potty chair she's using that I can move into another room so we can do other things while she sits; she refuses to even try using that. Nope, it's the potty seat that fits onto the big toilet that she loves to sit on, so we're stuck in the bathroom until I can talk her down from it. This is not so cool.

Seriously, it's from one extreme to the other with this kid. What is up with that?

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