Monday, August 07, 2006

My dog ate the Internet

Woke up Saturday morning, fixed Britt her breakfast, snuck in here to check the news, and discovered that my Internet service was deader than shit. I had a feeling, so I went outside and checked the cable and, sure enough, Pepper had chewed halfway through it. Most of my cable TV channels were still working, but still -- that bitch!

Oh, hell, I thought, it's gonna be a looong weekend. I am so addicted to my Internet.

And then I thought, okay, this is a good time to catch up on all those boring little tasks that I never get around to, like:

* transferring photos off my big stack of disks and onto my hard drive so I can edit them and see which ones I want to get printed. My poor old dinosaur digital uses floppy disks instead of a memory card (and this is my second digital camera; I wore the first one out during our eBay days). I have to do a lot of color-correcting and if I try to save images back to the floppy, sometimes it screws up and damages my pictures beyond repair.

* scanning vintage family pictures from the photo albums Mom loaned me so I can get my own copies made.

* writing up some posts for my blog on WordPad so they'll be ready to go as soon as I'm back online.

Well, I did write one blog post -- this one. I played about a dozen games of Free Cell but got bored, so mostly I fiddled around with the relationship calculator on my Family Tree program. And that's pretty much it.

And my beshitted computer keeps locking up! It does that every once in a while, maybe once or twice a month, but now it's started doing it like every thirty minutes. Gaaah! I used to be a whiz at keeping my old Compaq Presario (equipped with Windows 95A -- aaargh!) wheezing along, but this computer's been so trouble-free (until now) that I've forgotten all my little tricks. I tried everything I could think of to get it going again without rebooting, but nothing worked. It better just frickin' quit it, dammit.

Man, I wish I had a shiny new laptop. With Wi-Fi. And without a single MicroSoft product installed on it.

Anyway, the cable guy's come and gone already, and I'm back in business. Woo-hoo!

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