Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Britt Speaks

Remember when Brittany met her little friend Grant at the park last week? Well, Grant's dad was surprised that Britt speaks in full sentences already. He and his wife did the baby sign language thing with Grant and they speak to him in English and Spanish, wanting him to grow up bilingual, I guess, but he's two and a half and still doesn't talk much. I think the kid probably has too many ways to say what's on his mind and can't figure out which one to use.

Anyway, it surprised me that anyone would be surprised at Britt's speaking ability. I can remember worrying that she was never going to speak English, but I guess that's not a problem anymore.

She'll say short sentences like "Where Poppa at?" and "I get it" (except when she says "I get it" she really means "You get it" because she just stands there holding her hands out toward whatever it is she wants), and a few days ago she looked out the window and correctly told us "It rainin."

She can say "hug" and "kiss" but she hasn't said "I love you" yet.

On TB (TV) she likes to watch BobBob (Spongebob), the Woogies (Wiggles), Tubbies (TeleTubbies), and Booze Cooze (**snicker**) (Blues Clues).

She eats with a foke, she likes to swing when she goes to the poke, at night it gets doke, and this is a hote.

She likes to fix my hay (in proper OkieSpeak, "hair" has two syllables and she's only mastered the first one so far).

You know how she used to say "eeg" instead of "egg"? Well, now she says "aig" like a proper Okie should.

She likes cuwrin in her coloring books, and she likes to carry her cuwrs in a buckup so she can dump them out here, there and everywhere. I get to go around and pick them up about fourteen times a day.

She knows most of her body parts; most recently she learned about her nack and her albow.

She's showing a sense of humor already: she'll reach out her arm and holler "Howp! Howp!" and I "rescue" her by pulling her over to me and she'll just laugh and laugh. She also likes to fake us out with little baby snores, pretending to be asleep, and then she'll start giggling.

She knows when we're driving past the park or the library and she'll yell out "Poke!" or "Booksth!" (she also has a slight lisp).

She's still having trouble pronouncing Ls and Rs so she calls herself Bitney. I'm hoping she'll try Aunt Bridgie's name before she masters them, because wouldn't it be hilarious to hear hear say Aunt Bitchie?

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