Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Out and About

I didn't get Britt signed up in time for art classes in June, July and August, and they're all full, so we're minus one out-of-the-house activity for the summer.

This sucks, because there aren't that many activities around town for two-year-olds. Once she turns three, there'll be about half a jillion things we can go do, but we're fighting cabin fever here at the ranch right now.

So I took her to Omniplex yesterday. Most of the exhibits were way over her head, and I knew they would be, but I was desperate. And Britt had a great time anyway.

You see this here wooden tower thingy?

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(Britt's not actually in the picture. Stupid frickin' shutter delay.)

It supposedly houses the tallest spiral slide in the country, and Britt climbed up and went down the slide several times. She didn't find much to interest her in the tree house, but she did like climbing the rope net.


She loved the seesaw


but hated the Hall of Mirrors. She has a tendency to run ahead of me, and she kept crashing into the walls.

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Which was pretty funny, actually. I wish I'd had my video camera with me.

She had fun at the water table


and with the "antique" phones.


Also, there was a face-painting station


where she gave herself a little blue Hitler mustache.


Then we had lunch and visited the gardens, where Britt chased a rabbit and found some "kine cones."


And then we went to the planetarium show, which was boooooring.

And then we came home to find that it had rained like a mofo while we were gone, and the kitchen and half the garage had flooded, so -- yay.

1 comment:

bookworm said...

All I can say is that at least it wasn't sewer water! Trust me on this one.