Tuesday, October 03, 2006


You know those big long cushions on the back of our couch, er, sofa (Mikey says for that price you call it a sofa), and how squashed and lumpy they've gotten?

Well, they aren't any more. Mikey bought two 10-pound boxes of pillow-stuffing stuff and he re-stuffed them last night. Except -- you know how he tends to overdo things?

Yeah, he did. He stuffed them good.

Now I'm afraid to flop down on the couch, er, sofa like I normally do, because I might crack my skull on a cushion.


... Paige said...

Crack your skull on a sofa cushion. Made me smile & giggle as I pictured it happening to me.

Anonymous said...

I don't care how much it costs, I call it a couch. Spouse Guy calls it a sofa. My parents call it a divan.


Sandra D said...

Yep, when I was a kid it was called a divan.

We also called our fridge an icebox, even though it was the fancy new-fangled kind that didn't require a big block of ice.