Monday, July 18, 2005

Sarah's lawyer

has got to be regretting that he ever took her on as a client. She's a disaster.

The judge recommended that Bob let Sarah have two supervised visits with Brittany before our next court date. The one on Saturday went all right, though it was a terrible hard day for us. Brittany came home on time without any hassle.

The second visit was yesterday, again from 12 to 7, but Sarah never showed up. Her mother tried calling but couldn't reach her, so she finally called her own attorney, who called our attorney, who called Bob at 2:30. Sarah finally called her mother at 6:40, saying that she'd been up all night talking to Jason (the guy she's not supposed to be hanging out with) on the phone, and then she slept all day.

She's also balking on taking the hair follicle test that the judge ordered.

Our attorney is supposed to call her attorney today to see if she's ready to give up yet, because she cannot possibly win and we are so ready to be done with it.

Oh, please, please, please...

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