Saturday, January 26, 2008

She's a Trip

Britt's been doing "magic trips" for me. She waves her magic wand (actually a pair of yellow sunglasses) and says the magic words (Dibby-dooby-doo!) and then she pulls an invisible rabbit out of a hat. For which she receives tremendous applause, of course.

She emptied her little red doctor's kit and filled it with books, and proudly announced that it was her bookcase.

I walked into the kitchen and found her hopping across all my potholders laid out on the floor, going, "Ribbit! Ribbit!" She told me they were her frog pads. When I sat down nearby to gather up some other toys, she hollered, "Uh-oh! The water's getting you!"

Also, she's been chasing the cat around with a belt looped around on itself through the buckle; she calls it her cowboy rope. Oh, well, better the cat than me.

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