Monday, December 18, 2006

Home from the Holidays

We went to Tahlequah Sunday for my family's Christmas gathering, which is an arduous journey but well worth it because it's the only time of the year I get to see everybody together (except for Sherri & Chris, who can only drive that far if there's hunting or fishing involved). We had a good visit, ate a lot and did the Dirty Santa thing.

While we were there, Brittany attended her first-ever tea party (with cousins Madison and Piper),

Britt's First Tea Party

and discovered that she loves jumping on a trampoline almost as much as riding a pony:

On the Trampoline

Then we came home and crashed; Britt and I didn't wake up today until Bridgie came over for lunch. And then I had a frazzling day because I had too many chores to catch up on, because Britt wouldn't take a nap so I could catch a break, and because of one other reason that is just Too Much Information but it startled the hell out of me, so when Mikey called to say he was on his way home from work, I may have whimpered a little. So he brought me a bouquet of beautiful coral-pink roses to cheer me up.

It worked.

And now I need to Google pre-menopausal symptoms to see if I can figure out why that TMI thing happened.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Such a cutie! I hope Britt (and all of you) have an extra special Christmas!