Saturday, June 04, 2005

Bob just called

to tell me he's throwing Sarah out because she stayed out all night. Again.

He fell asleep waiting for her to come home; Kayla woke him up at 10:00 this morning. He was supposed to be at work at 7:00.

Oh, my Lord.

It'll be a year in August since Bob and Sarah dropped into our laps. Okay, we thought, they're going through a rough patch and we'll do what we can to help them get on their feet. We helped with the apartment and with the baby and with Kayla. And with Sarah's car. They've tapped out our cash reserves. They've used up our patience.

Here we are, almost a year later, and there's not a lot of progress. They still can't pay the bills, hold onto jobs, get along, etc, etc. I'm starting to wonder, "Is it always going to be like this? Will it be the same thing next year? And the next?"

Well, maybe not, if they're not together anymore.

Sarah's still not home yet. Bob started to bring the girls over here so he could deal with his wife, but I pointed out that we don't have a legal right to keep Kayla if Sarah wants her, so he's going to call her parents and see if they want Kayla. If so, he'll take her up there and bring the baby to me.

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