Thursday, May 29, 2008


Don't tell Mikey, but Britt announced this afternoon that she doesn't like her new room. She wants a Spongebob room instead.

She is, however, sleeping in it right this minute.

In other news, Britt dropped a huge load in the potty this afternoon. She needed to go, she went, and then she came and told me about it. I went, looked, flushed, did the happy dance, and changed her skidmarked panties since she hasn't really grasped the concept of wiping yet. Then she announced that she was ready to go to the park, which was her promised reward for pooping in the potty.

Poppa was so happy when he came home from work that they immediately headed out to the park. Except they didn't go anywhere. I came in here to enjoy a few precious minutes of free time, and I could hear them talking outside the window. WTF?

It turns out, our front yard is turning into a danged aviary. We still have the nesting duck, and now there was a baby mockingbird on the sockywock (that's BrittSpeak for "sidewalk"):


Of course, Britt totally wanted to pick it up and cuddle it but was firmly ordered not to touch.



Anyway, her trip to the park was delayed until almost dark, but she did get to go so hopefully that reinforcement will encourage her to do it again tomorrow. And the next day, and the next...

Except that she wet her pants twice while she was gawking over the bird, until I finally put a Pull-Up back on her.


1 comment:

Nana67216 said...

Sandy, I am Pam, Jessica's mom, I have read ever Blog through Jessica's page about Brittany and of course, our Lily. Maybe one of these days we can actually meet and compare notes. I just wanted to introduce myself and say hello. I also wanted to let you know that I think you are doing a wonderful job with Brittany.