Saturday, October 06, 2007


Britt speaks pretty clearly now, although her syntax is a little off sometimes. For example, when she wants me to open a door she says, "Put the door out!"

She's confused about pronouns at the moment -- a girl is a he and a boy is a she -- so she says things like, "Where Poppa at? I want her!"

She's still not pooping in the potty, either at home or at school, but her teachers are working with her on that. Apparently, when she goes to the potty there, they tell her to "push it out." At home she insists on keeping me and Bridgie company when we're in the bathroom, encouraging us in her piping little voice, "C'mon, smash it out!"

When I have to speak sternly to her, she'll go, "Don't say to me. It's not nice!"

Riding home from school yesterday, she asked hopefully, "Go buy-buy some toys?" Then she repeatedly crowed, "I want some toys!"

And then, in case I hadn't heard and/or understood her the first eight times, she said it once more, very slowly and deliberately, "I! WANTS! UM! TOYS!"

I almost drove right off the road.

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