Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Checking in

Sorry for the dearth of posts lately, but I just haven't been in a computer mood. Instead of spending all my free time reading stuff online, I've been reading... books! Actual real live books!

Imagine that.

Bob and his girlfriend came down to see Britt and spent Sunday and Monday nights with us.

Britt can count to ten already!

Bridgie just got a big raise at work.

I'm supposed to be boiling eggs right now, but I don't feel like it. I shouldn't complain, though, because Mike's mom and sister are being all Martha Stewart about Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow and all I have to do is deviled eggs and a cheese and cracker tray.

I haven't had Thanksgiving dinner with my own family since 1994.

I hear Britt terrorizing the cat again, so I'd better scram.


bookworm said...

Has it been that long? Man, time really flies!

I can't remember the conversation now, but last time Debbie was up, something got said about Christmas and Debbie said that maybe we could have it here this year instead of in Tahlequah. Of course, you know that would be at your house, right?

Just something to think about!

Sandra D said...

Uh, no, I don't think having it at my house is a good idea. Too many people would have to sit on the floor.

I think we're supposed to gather at Debbie's on the 16th.