Sunday, September 03, 2006

Diggin' in my drawers

Britt is almost 33 inches tall now.

Which means she's tall enough to open drawers, reach in and grab their contents, and strew them about the house.

(Surely you've figured out by now that I don't mean my underpants.)

So now I get to go around several times a day gathering up potholders, oven mitts, dishrags, dish towels, bibs, and her tiny little socks and bathing suits.

I still keep the bathroom door shut because we haven't started potty-training yet, so the two drawers in there are still safe for the moment.

Yesterday I caught her playing in the spice drawer, but luckily she hadn't unscrewed any lids yet. That would've been fun.

I suppose I could try some of those baby-proof drawer latches, but I already tried the baby-proof cabinet door latches (which were expensive as hell) and after installing them, one broke the very first time I used it, which made me very unhappy and I said a lot of bad words.

Also, countertops! I had to move her little toy kitchen out to the garage because she's outgrown it already and the only time she was using it was when she'd tump it over and use it for a stepstool for easy access to whatever's on the kitchen counter. It didn't faze her much, though; now she just pushes a kitchen chair over to the counter and has a go at whatever she wants.


Help me.


Melissa said...

Unfortunetly, there is no help except time. Mine has been two for two months and she still does it. Somewhere between two and three my oldest got better, where you could leave a room and not find it trashed when you returned two minutes later.

Sandra D said...

Yesterday Britt unrolled a whole roll of paper towels all around the living room. Today it was a brand-new roll of aluminum foil.
