Monday, August 28, 2006

Bedtime Story

Mikey's started putting Britt to bed at night; she won't let me do it anymore because she likes him better. But I'm A-okay with that since it means I'm finally free from the dreaded Chair.

He'll lay down with her on our bed (yes, she sleeps in our bed because after all the sleep issues we've been through we discovered that we don't have the up-and-down-all-night-long thing if she's in our bed, plus she doesn't take an afternoon nap at all anymore and the only quiet time I get is when she's asleep, so she sleeps in our bed and yes I know that's bad and shut up about it already) until they both fall asleep.

The first few times I let him sleep because, hey, he works hard, he's tired, he needs the rest, right? Then he growled at me for not waking him up because he lost his whole evening, needed to write checks, was supposed to do something, whatever, whatever, so in the future I should make sure he gets up after she's asleep.

So I try. I do try. I go in there at 15-minute intervals and shake him until his eyes open and I tell him what time it is and he'll say, "I'm getting up," or "Gimme a few more minutes," or some such thing and after doing this five or six times a night it feels pretty ridiculous so I give it up and go back to playing on the computer until it's time for me to go to bed.

Other nights, like tonight, he actually does wake up and get out of bed. And then you know what he does?

He crashes on the couch.

1 comment:

bookworm said...

I think we married the same man! Mine does the exact same thing, morning and night.