Sunday, July 02, 2006

Lord, Lord

Sarah called again wanting to see Brittany, so Mikey and I talked it over and agreed that she could visit between 3:00 and 6:00 this afternoon. She showed up almost two hours late, as usual.

I'm still so geeked out from the visit that I can hardly put a sentence together, so I'll have to tell you the whole story after I've slept on it. I did get a detailed description of her "tracks," complete with the number of blown-out veins (and I was all "yay, dogies"), but she's been clean for a WHOLE WEEK now and she's finally SEEN THE LIGHT! Woo-hoo!

I guess facing 25-to-life for drug trafficking would be quite an eye-opener.

So hard to believe our beloved Britt came out of the belly of that...THAT.

I will leave you with this teaser: The dumb shit called the police on herself.


Anonymous said...

Ok, you have now slept. You must now tell more!!


bookworm said...

Can't wait to hear the rest of this one!