Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Guess what I got for Mother's Day?

Go on, guess.

You'll never guess.

Did I get cards? Flowers? Phone calls? Hug and kisses from my beloved offspring?

Um, no. As a matter of fact, I didn't.

I did get a shake-it-up no-battery-required flashlight from Mom, but it didn't work so she took it back.

Other than that, not a sausage.

Mikey did give up spending the day with his own mother to drive the six-hour round trip to Tahlequah and back so I could see my mom and attend Greg & Amber's bridal shower. But we didn't leave here until almost 10:00 am and got back home at 7:30 pm, so there was plenty of time for my kids to call. Or come over. But they didn't. And there were no messages from either one on my answering machine.


Thanks a lot, kids. It's nice to know how loved and appreciated I am.



Anonymous said...

Happy belated Mother's Day!!! I didn't call or come by because I knew you were out of town. I was also having car issues all weekend. I need a new radiator. So, it did kinda slip my mind.

Sandra D said...

Oh, c'mon now. It'll take more groveling than that before all is forgiven!

Holler at me if you need help getting your car fixed.