The cat escaped the other day. He always tries to, whenever the front door is opened, so he can go outside and munch on grass. Whenever he does manage to get out, we always go and chase him down and bring him back in, against our better judgment.
But Britt let him out the other day when we came home from school and I made a couple of half-hearted attempts to catch him but he kept running under my car and I wasn't about to go crawling under there after him, so I said fuck it and went back inside. Later I went out a couple of times to see if he was anywhere handy but I didn't see him, so I thought, Cool! He's gone! And it's not my fault!
So I mentioned it to Bridget when she got home from work and, of course, she went right out and found him. And brought him back inside.
I still haven't quite forgiven her for that.
Britt's school is having a Christmas program next month. and I guess they're already working on their songs because she's been singing Jingle Bells around the house lately.
Another song she likes to sing is the theme song to her (current) favorite cartoon:
Bye-Bye the Saiwor Man
Poop! Poop!
Bye-Bye the Saiwor Man
Poop! Poop!...
When I pick up Britt from school, I always cut through the subdivision next to it to avoid a busy intersection. Today I was following that route when I stopped at a stop sign and had to wait while a bowling ball slowly rolled down the cross street from left to right. I looked around but couldn't see anyone or anything to explain this strange phenomenon, so I'm left wondering, WTF?