Monday, April 30, 2007

Carless, again

Bridgie had a wreck Saturday. She's fine; her car is not.

Some guy (probably illegal, definitely uninsured) tried to cross traffic in front of her and she hit him broadside. He didn't want to call the police and split before they arrived, leaving behind his car and his passenger -- an older guy who spoke no English.

Bridgie has only liability coverage, so there's no telling when she'll be able to get her car drivable again. So she's borrowed mine, and there's no telling when I'll get it back this time.


Our last trip in my car (for a while) was to Britt's art class:

Art Class

She was cranky that morning, but she perked up a little once she heard we were going to make some animal puppets:

Art Class

On our gallery walk we looked for paintings with animals in them, then we went back to class to make our puppets:

Art Class

Britt cut up a paper towel with safety scissors while I made a bird dog puppet.

Heh, get it? Feathers and fur? Bird dog?

Okay. Never mind.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

And so it begins

At least ten years ahead of schedule, Britt is already saying to me:

Don't tell me what to do!

Lord help me.

Friday, April 27, 2007

I am an idiot

When we bought this house six years ago, it came equipped with metal-colored plastic faucet handles in the bathtub. Those handles have broken and been replaced twice already, and now they're broken again, so we're back to using the RoboGrips to turn on the cold water.

So yesterday I was going to give Britt a bath but couldn't turn on the cold water. I tried and tried, but the little knobby-thing is just so stripped I couldn't get it to turn. I was so pissed I even called Mikey at work to bitch about it.

When he came home last night, he ran a bath for Britt and said that he didn't have any trouble turning on the water. I thought, Well, it must have been shut off pretty tight and he has a stronger grip than me, so whatever. I didn't give it another thought.

Until today, when Britt wanted to take another bath, and I couldn't turn on the cold water. I worked and worked at it, spitting and cussing the whole time, but it was no use.

Until it finally occurred to me to try turning it the other way.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

I want you to see

what Little Miss B has done now.

I was on the couch watching TV and she was standing near me with a ball in her hand and, from the corner of my eye, it looked like she was sort of bouncing it against her chin. She wasn't.

She was biting it. Like an apple:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I freaked!

Luckily, all the pieces are accounted for, but while I was picking them up I noticed how hard the material is. So I tried biting the ball myself, just to see how bite-able it was, but my teeth only slid right across the surface.

Britt has this one really weird little habit: when I'm working in the kitchen, she'll grab my pants with her teeth so that I sort of drag her around with me. Sometimes she accidentally bites more than just my pants, and now I feel lucky that she hasn't taken any chunks out of me like that.

Not yet, anyway.

iTunes Shuffle

On Sunday I uploaded all my CDs onto my new computer, then I put it on shuffle and I've been listening to it ever since. The problem is, there's not a whole lot of variety to my personal collection because I still only have a cassette player in my car, so there hasn't been much impetus for me to buy a lot of CDs.

Mikey has a huge collection of classic rock CDs (and DVDs), but he plays that shit all the frickin' time, man, and I'm pretty burned out on most of it.

So, anyway, it took three whole days for a shuffle lineup to appear that didn't have the same artist (or composer) repeated within ten tracks:

1. Velvet Sky, Los Lonely Boys
2. One For My Baby, Frank Sinatra
3. Deuxieme Concert 3 l'Agacante, Jean-Philippe Rameau
4. I Am, Mark Schultz
5. Brandenburg Concerto No. 3, Bach
6. Symphony No. 8, Second Movement, Beethoven
7. Peace, Rich Mullins
8. 11-6-64, Steven Curtis Chapman
9. Moonlight Serenade, Glenn Miller
10. Nowhere Man, Beatles

Yeah, I know -- my musical taste is a bit eclectic, which is really just a nicer way of saying, "Gawd, I'm such a nerd."

Happy Girl

It's not often that I manage to get a picture of Britt laughing, or even smiling. She's usually annoyed that I try to get her to pose for me instead of letting her sit on my lap to look at pictures of herself on the back of the camera.

And so, I love this picture of her:


Tuesday, April 24, 2007

I took Britt clubbing

I saw a TV commercial for something called the Crossroads Kids Club (Music, fun, and prizes for everyone! And it's free!), I was all like, Whee! Let's go!

It's held once a month at a mall on the wrong far side of town and Mikey didn't want us to go, but I thought, hell, we can go once and if it's too hinky we don't have to do it again.

Boy, am I glad we went. Britt had a blast, so it was well worth the 36-mile round trip.

First, they handed out plastic eggs that held a piece of chocolate and a free ticket for the carousel. Then a four-year-old girl got up on the stage and sang a couple of songs. Or, rather, she whispered fragments of lyrics into the microphone while her parents frantically mimed instructions at her.

Then they handed out tickets for the drawing and, guess what?

Britt's number was called! It was the first time she ever won anything.

What she won was a box of 12 plastic "kaleidoscope" eggs, so it wasn't like a million bucks or nothin', but still.

Then Sammy D Salamander came out to say hi and get hugs from the kids, but Britt wouldn't have none of it.

And then, more goodies for everyone, including this cute bunny mask:


Then we used her free ticket for her first-ever carousel ride:

First Carousel Ride

See how serious she looks? She makes the same face when she rides the coin-op horse in front of the grocery store, which is at least 30 or 40 years old and desperately in need of a lube job and possibly some bearings, because the grinding and grating noises are so loud that you can hardly hear the William Tell Overture playing. But the carousel was much nicer, and a much smoother ride. She loved it.

And then she played at the indoor playground for about an hour and then we went home.

Easter came a few days later:

Hunting Easter Eggs

Britt had so much fun hunting eggs over at my in-laws' that we've been hiding her "kaleidoscope" eggs around our yard for her to find.

So they turned out to be a pretty good prize after all.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Making Pictures

Britt loves to fingerpaint:

Art Class

She only gets to do it at her art class, though, because we haven't yet brought any painting supplies into our home. It's been bad enough with the Play-Dough, and now with the Floam, which Mikey brought home last week, and which is currently hidden away with the Play-Dough.

I haven't been taking a whole lot of pictures lately, partly because I wasn't able to post any here and partly because the one-second delay between pushing the button and the shutter clicking means that, for each good shot I manage to get, I wind up with half a dozen that look like this:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Or this:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

That's what the delete button's for, I guess. I have much better luck with subjects that aren't moving:


Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Britt's Zoo Class

I finally got my digital photo software installed, and it works! So now we finally have pictures again! Yay!

These are from Britt's first class at the zoo in February. First, they gave a presentation about lizards, snakes and turtles, and they passed around things to feel or see, like snake skins and turtle shells. Then it was time for a snack:

Zoo Class

and a craft:

Zoo Class

Zoo Class

(After we got home, I put Britt's snake up on the refrigerator but she eventually managed to yank it down and those damned dots wound up all over the house. I'm still finding them.)

Then we listened to a story about the animals we just learned about, and then we went out to the zoo to see them, and then we were free to wander around as long as we liked.

I didn't take my camera to her second class and missed a heck of a picture. At the Andean condor enclosure, a condor came and stood directly in front of Britt. It was taller than she was and, when it opened its wings -- which were easily seven or eight feet across -- it was a breathtaking sight. I sure was glad there was a fence between them, though.

After that first class in February, we went to lunch:


and Britt experienced a McDonald's playland for the first time ever:


and then we went to visit her half-sister, who lives with their mother's parents:

Kayla & Britt

They have a lot of fun together now that Britt's finally old enough to be a real playmate, and not just "the baby":

Britt & Kayla

Unfortunately, their visits are few and far between, since Sarah's parents are about as flaky as she is. This visit (which I initiated) was the first time the girls had seen each other since September; we had another playdate scheduled in March but they canceled and I haven't heard from them since.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

First bite of the Apple

So I got my new iMac Wednesday night. Did I immediately unpack it and get it set up and running?

Well, no.

Did I do it on Thursday?





Um, no.

Gah, what is wrong with me? Instead of leaping about with joy, I'm feeling totally blah about the whole thing.


Beats me.

Anyway, I finally got it out of the box and set it up today, and it's just beeee-youtiful! It's all sleek and shiny, and it's so quiet! It doesn't wheeze and whine like my old one does.

Also, there's a tiny little video camera mounted at the top of the screen, and I was startled to see myself onscreen a couple of times during the set-up process. Live! In my jammies with ratty-looking hair and no makeup. Um, nobody can just dial in and look at me, can they? I have to turn the camera on from my end, right? Because Bridgie's already teasing me about putting a piece of black tape over the lens.

Still to do:
  • Find the CD that came with my printer so I can get it hooked up.
  • Try to install the software that came with my new digital camera.
  • Try to install the software for Mikey's camera phone.
  • Buy this, because there is no Mac version of the family tree software I've been using all these years.
It took me awhile to figure out that the browser loaded on my iMac is called Safari, but I was finally able to confirm that the Internet connection works. But the browser window is way smaller than it is on my old 13-inch monitor, even on Maximize, and I can't figure out how to make it any bigger. It doesn't even fill half the screen. WTF?

So am I typing this blog entry on my shiny new iMac?

Oh, hell, no. I can't frickin' see what I'm doing in that tiny little browser window!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

It's here!

Mikey gave me my birthday present last night (I got the 20" model), but I haven't hooked it up yet. I'm still looking at the manuals and stuff.

Plus I'm thinking of what-all I need to do before I unhook this one. Like all the pictures on my hard drive that haven't been printed yet -- almost a year's worth. Gah.

Yeah, I know -- I totally chickened out and went with a desktop instead of a laptop. I'm too scared that I'll somehow manage to totally destroy a laptop in no time flat. Or lose it.

Plus, mine still has wi-fi capability and it's pretty portable. I mean, I wouldn't take it on a trip but, since there's no ginormous CPU tower attached to it, it could easily be parked in different areas of the house.

I'm eager to try it out but nervous, too, since it'll be so different from what I'm used to.

Wish me luck.

Monday, April 09, 2007

It's coming!

Just four more days until my birthday. And my new computer.

And, hopefully, I'll be able to post pictures and videos again.


And then, hopefully, I'll be back to blogging with a vengeance. Because, right now? I'm kinda all "Meh. What's the point?"

Anyway, I know my new computer will be a Mac, but I'm wavering on whether or not to go laptop. Because, laptop? Wheee, freedom! Desktop? Means being stuck in the office on a very limited schedule.

I want a laptop, but I'm scared. What if wi-fi is slower than cable and I don't like it? How much does wi-fi cost? Should I keep cable as a backup? Because cable is expensive as hell, you know. And that little hinge-thingy that holds the screen on? What if I break it? Will it cost a lot to fix? What if I drop the whole thing and break it? And a zillion other questions. I don't know anybody who has a laptop or wi-fi, so there's nobody to discuss these things with, except for the computer nerds at Best Buy, which is better than nothing, I guess, but damn -- I miss the free computer advice from the IT guys I used to work with.

But if I chicken out and go desktop again, then I'm stuck in the office for another five or six years.


Anyway, I hope everybody had a happy Easter. We did, and we also learned an important safety tip:

Do not get in Britt's way when there are Easter eggs to be hunted. She will mow you down.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

In sickness and in hell (Pt 2)

So the Barf-O-Rama pretty much ended Friday morning. Pretty much.

And then the Shit-A-Thon began. Or the Shitstorm, if you prefer. Sarah called that night, but I didn't want to deal with her so I didn't answer the phone. She called again Saturday and left a snarky message, so Mikey called her back and lit into her for making the baby sick.

Of course, the day before Britt got sick, we went to playtime at the library and shared toys with 20 other kids, went shopping at two different places, and then stopped by Poppa's store to visit. It's entirely possible that she picked up a virus at any of those places but, somehow, it just feels better to blame Sarah.

The diarrhea started that Friday morning and didn't stop for a week. I'll spare you most of the gory details, except for my candidate for the WORST DIAPER EVER:

Britt had her very first ever poop-running-down-the-leg diaper. When I opened it, the whole thing was filled with a sea of golden liquid, just barely contained within the edges of the diaper. I mean, seriously, I was totally goggled-eyed when I saw it. Somehow I managed to get Britt cleaned up and get the diaper out from under her without spilling anything, and then I stood up to take the foul thing to the trash and it spilled all over the couch, my pants and the carpet. Yay.

But she's all better now and back to being her normal live-wire self. She definitely lost a few pounds during her ordeal because her arms and legs look slimmer. Not skinny, by any means, since she was fairly well-padded before. Bob and Mary took her to the circus on Saturday, as soon as she was well, where they took this picture of her:

Britt at the Circus

As you can see, she may have lost a chin, but she's still a cheeky little thing.